Part 10: Goon Playthrough - Part 10

How long have I waited here, wishing for a change. Finally, an opportunity has presented itself. Carmosa clearly has a secret. If I could figure it out, I might have an advantage over her! Hm... no one is outside the window. Now is as good a time as ever! Here goes nothing.

God, these backgrounds.

I tried to keep my distance while following that man, and now I've lost his trail completely. If he's somewhere up ahead, I'll really have to hurry to catch up with him. But if I accidentally pass him, then I run the risk of running into him when I return home...

The way you scratch at a fellow, you're more like wildcats than shrubs!

That must be him! He's close. I'd better hide.

Argh! Blasted rocks! What are they doin' in my path?

Well, I'm sure this be the place where I'm scheduled to meet that smartass merchant.

Truly. I suppose I can let this one go, if you've brought the package as discreetly as Lady Carmosa requested.

Of course, of course! No ifs about it, boss. It wounds my honor that you'd doubt my competence for even a moment.

No, I'd never doubt you. Now hand it over.

Uh, before I do, boss. I have a little sumthin' I'm needing to ask ye.

And what would that be?

You know I'm an honest man. But my curiosity just took hold of me so hard, I had to have a look inside this package. And lo and behold, my eye spies a mighty fine necklace set with rubies and made of gold! It's worth thousands of sovereigns, at least, yeah?

But the necklace...

Yes, it's probably worth quite a lot of money.

I don't get it, boss. Why's the noble lady payin' us to take this off'er hands? Seems all wrong ways around to me.

I'm sure she has her reasons, and you're not being paid to poke around and ask needless questions. In fact, if you don't keep your mouth shut, you won't be paid at all.

Whoa, boss! No need to get so angry! My mouth is secure as the royal treasury, it is.

Fifteen sovereigns. Try not to drink it all at once.

Me? Never! You wound me with your accusations, boss.

I'm sure. Well, we should return to town before someone stumbles upon us.

What on earth is Tobias up to? Never mind that. If I don't do something, they'll leave before I can do anything.